Understanding what matters for a wellbeing vision

What areas of life are most important for your current and future wellbeing?


To understand what matters for personal, collective, and future wellbeing, as a basis for building an economy that delivers this wellbeing.

Governments have taken different approaches to understanding wellbeing: some use conceptual frameworks based on research about the determinants of wellbeing while others conduct public consultations.

The process of engaging with communities to understand their vision for the future and the areas of life most important to their wellbeing is transformative, both as a process and as an outcome. It facilitates communication, trust, and empowerment for further participation in the transformative journey ahead.


To find the resources from all of these chapters, please visit the tools and resources page



  • Identify trusted community institutions or leaders who can facilitate discussions on wellbeing priorities.
  • Train policymakers to undertake open, co-creative policy design processes.
  • Ask powerful questions that support communities to identify their positive vision for the future, rather than focusing only on existing problems or challenges.
  • Allow people to express their wellbeing priorities in images or stories.
  • Ensure consideration of both current and long-term wellbeing priorities. What is required for the wellbeing of future generations?
  • Encourage reflection on what matters for personal wellbeing, community wellbeing, humanity’s wellbeing, and the wellbeing of plants, animals, and the environment.
  • When discussing what matters for wellbeing, ask additional ‘why?’ follow-up questions to better understand the key outcomes and values underpinning the stated priorities.
  • Identify core values that relate to these wellbeing priorities and that can act as guiding principles in the policy design process.