Designing Policies for a Wellbeing Economy

This platform and its tools have been co-created based on the Policy Design Guide (download below) to support visionary policymakers, like you, to build more just and sustainable economies for people and planet.

There is no-one-size-fits-all approach, as every society has unique structures, values, and objectives. This platform is a starting point from which you can align these policy design processes and ideas to your unique context to build a wellbeing economy, wherever you are.

The Wellbeing Economy Playbook was designed to accompany the stages of this process in a hands-on way. For a physical copy of the Playbook, please contact

Policy Design Process

Policy Design Process

There are six components in the wellbeing economy policy design process. Explore the site to find information, tools and templates, case studies, and examples to help you on your journey to a wellbeing economy.

Don’t know where to start?

The policy design process is not a linear journey; this process can look different for everyone depending on where you are starting and where you are trying to go.

You can click through the navigation tool (in the yellow circle on the lower right side of the page, or by clicking "explore" above) to decide on what journey is right for you. If you’re not sure where to start, there are some suggestions.

Where in the wellbeing policy design process are you?

I want to build a wellbeing economy, but I have no idea where to start

We have assembled a project team and found support in the community

We started building a wellbeing economy a while ago and we want to see if our policies are working

None of these options resonating 
with you?


Check out our policy database to discover which policies can best address the goals of creating a stable economy, meeting a social foundation, and staying within the ecological ceiling



Read about why we need to build Sustainable Prosperity and how a wellbeing economy contributes to this



Download the Wellbeing Economy Policy Design Guide. You can find more tools on the pages of every subchapter. Stay tuned here for more resources to come!




The “Policy Design for a Wellbeing Economy” project was supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung