Empowering localised policy implementation

How can you realise the benefits of deep stakeholder engagement to test, iterate and refine your policies before, during and after implementation?


Provide space for coordinated local action to ensure greater legitimacy, adaptability, and continuity of initiatives

The ultimate achievement of your wellbeing vision will be driven by changes in the way that people produce and provide for one another. The ultimate execution of your wellbeing economy strategy will be driven by local actors, institutions, and communities.

You can support effective local action by providing the tools and resources needed for implementation and by developing communication networks to support transparency and knowledge sharing throughout the process.


To find the resources from all of these chapters, please visit the tools and resources page



  • Identify the most trusted institutions that will act as the key implementation agencies for the policies (with particular emphasis on institutions that are comprised by historically marginalised communities).
  • Ensure continuity across policy periods, so stakeholders always know with whom they should work.
  • Provide sufficient financial resources, particularly in poorer areas to allow for adaptation and expansion of initiatives when needed.
  • Strive to reduce bureaucratic barriers for action and coordination whenever possible.
  • Provide tools and mechanisms for local authorities to coordinate with external policy networks and institutions.
  • Develop a system for continuous feedback, monitoring, and knowledge-sharing between various implementation agencies. This includes facilitating face-to-face connections whenever possible.
  • Consider phasing of implementation by assessing which sequential actions are needed for longer-term transformations. For example, the first step in implementation may be capacity development or data gathering, before action is possible.
  • Develop short narratives for each policy initiative, which clearly explain how the proposed policies will ultimately improve the lives of communities. It is particularly important to promote narratives for longer-term transformations, in order to foster societal ‘buy-in’ for agendas that may span across political administrations.
  • Study previous implementation ‘success stories’ for the factors that helped to make these examples of good policy implementation, the challenges they faced, and how they were overcome.