
Policy Database

  1. Alcott, Blake (2013). Should degrowth embrace the Job Guarantee?
  2. Bak, C.; Bhattacharya, Amar; Edenhofer, Ottmar; Knopf, Brigitte (2017). Toward a Comprehensive Approach to Climate Policy, Sustainable Infrastructure and Finance, Centre for International Governance Innovation, Policy Brief No. 106
  3. Barnes, Peter (2008). Kapitalismus 3.0: ein Leitfaden zur Wiederaneignung der Gemeinschaftsgüter, VSA-Verl.
  4. Bekarooa, Girish; Sungkurb, Roopesh; Ramsamya, Priscilla; Okoloa, Alexander; Moedeena, Waseemah (2018). Enhancing awareness on green consumption of electronic devices: The application of Augmented Reality, 30, 279-291.
  5. Bender, Harald; Bernholt, Norbert (2017). Unternehmen die nicht wachsen müssen. Die Unternehmensverfassung einer solidarischen Postwachstumsökonomie - Reformschritte und Umsetzungschancen im europäischen Kontext. In oekom (Ed.), Postwachstumspolitiken. Wege zur wachstumsunabhängigen Gesellschaft (253-266). oekom
  6. Bertoldi, P. (2017). Are current policies promoting a change in behaviour, conservation and sufficiency? An analysis of existing policies and recommendations for new and effective policies, 201–211
  7. Biesecker, Adelheid; Wichterich, Christa; Winterfeld, v. Uta (2012). Feministische Perspektiven zum Themenbereich Wachstum, Wohlstand, Lebensqualität. Enqueten-Kommission
  8. Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, Referat 411, Projektgruppe Ökolandbau (2015). Förderung des Ökolandbaus durch EU, Bund und Länder
  9. Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e.V (2017). Perspektive 2030: Suffizienz in der Praxis - Wie Kommunal- und Bundespolitik eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in den Bereichen Mobilität, Materialverbrauch, Energie, Landwirtschaft und Ernährung gestalten können
  10. Campiglio, Emanuele (2015). Beyond carbon pricing: The role of banking and monetary policy in financing the transition to a low-carbon economy, Ecological Economics, 121. 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2015.03.020
  11. Campiglio, Emanuele; Dafermos, Yannis; Monnin, Pierre; Ryan-Collins, Josh; Schotten, Guido; Tanaka, Misa (2017). Finance and climate change: What role for central banks and financial regulators
  12. Cardoso, Sónia Goulart; Augusto, Fábio Rafael; Nunes, Nádia Carvalho; Graça, João (2018). Public support for vegetarian meals in public canteens: a preliminary study. In Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa (Ed.), Chancing socities: legacies and challenges. The diverse world's of sustainability.. Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa
  13. Coote, Anna; Franklin, Jane; Simms, Andrew (2010). 21 Hours. Why a Shorter Working Week Can Help Us All to Flourish in the 21st Century. New Economics Foundation
  14. Daly, Herman (2013). Top 10 Policies for a Steady-State Economy
  15. Deutsche Bundesbank (2019). The sustainable finance market: a stocktake. Deutsche Bundesbank.
  16. Deutscher Bundestag (2013). Schlussbericht der Enquete-Kommission Wachstum, Wohlstand, Lebensqualität.. Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
  17. Dietz, R.; O'Neill, D. (2013). Enough is enough
  18. Douthwait, Richard (2011). Degrowth and the supply of money in an energy-scarce world
  19. Felber, Christian (2012). Change Everything. Creating an Economy for the Common Good., Zed Books
  20. Friends of the Earth Europe (2018). Sufficiency. Moving beyond the gospel of eco-efficiency
  21. Fuhrhop, Daniel (2017). "Bauverbot" und Suffizienz im Stadtwandel. In oekom (Ed.), Postwachstumspolitiken. Wege zur wachstumsunabhängigen Gesellschaft (293-304). oekom
  22. Gebauer, Jana; Lange, Steffen; Posse, Dirk (2017). Wirtschaftspolitik für Postwachstum auf Unternehmensebene: Drei Ansätze zur Gestaltung, Postwachstumspolitiken. Wege zur wachstumsunabhängigen Gesellschaft (239–252)
  23. Greenwald, Bruce C.; Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2009). A Modest Proposal for International Monetary Reform. 10.7916/D8V98H8Q
  24. Hall, C. Michael (2011). Policy learning and policy failure in sustainable tourism governance: From first-and second-order to third-order change?, 19(4-5), 649–671
  25. Helfrich, Silke; Kuhlen, Rainer; Sachs, Wolfgang; Siefkes, Christian (2009). Gemeingüter - Wohlstand durch Teilen, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung
  26. Hester, R. E., Harrison, R. M. (2013). Waste as a resource
  27. Jackson, Tim (2013). Prosperity without growth. Globalisation, Economic Transition and the Environment, Routledge
  28. Krueger, Alan. B; Kahneman, David; Schkande, David; Schwarz, Norbert; Stone, Arthur, A (2009). National time accounting: The currency of life. In University of Chicago Pres (Ed.), Measuring the subjective well-being of nations: National accounts of time use and well-being (9-86). University of Chicago Pres
  29. Lange, Steffen; Santarius, Tilman (2018). Smarte grüne Welt? Digitalisierung zwischen Überwachung, Konsum und Nachhaltigkeit, oekom Verlag
  30. Leismann, K., Schmitt, M., Rohn, H., & Baedeker, C. (2012). Nutzen statt Besitzen: auf dem Weg zu einer ressourcenschonenden Konsumkultur
  31. Liebig, Steffen; Köhler, Christoph; Koepp, Robert (2017). Bedingungen und Optionen der Arbeitspolitik für die Postwachstumsgesellschaft. In oekom (Ed.), Postwachstumspolitiken. Wege zur wachstumsunabhängigen Gesellschaft (183-196). oekom
  32. Linz, Manfred (2015). Suffizienz als politische Praxis. Ein Katalog
  33. Ludewig, Damian (2017). Wie eine Ökologische Finanzreform die Postwachstumsökonomie fördern kann. In oekom (Ed.), Postwachstumspolitiken. Wege zur wachstumsunabhängigen Gesellschaft (225-238). oekom
  34. Macquarie, R (2018). A green bank of England. Central Banking for Low-Carbon Economy. Positiv Money.
  35. Malizou, Angeliki (2015). Simplifying the EU Energy Label. Restoring the successful and well-understood closed A to G scheme.. ANEC, the European Association for the Co-ordination of Consumer Representation in Standardisation.
  36. Mattauch, Linus; Siegmeier, Jan; Edenhofer, Ottmar; Creutzig, Felix (2013). Financing public capital through land rent taxation: A macroeconomic henry george theorem, 22
  37. Mellor, Mary (2015). Debt or Democracy. Public Money for Sustainability and Social Justice, Pluto Press
  38. Mellor, Mary (2010). The future of money: From financial crisis to public resource, London: Pluto Press
  39. O'Neill, D., Dietz, R., Jones, N. (2010). Enough is Enough. Ideas for a sustainable economy in a world of finite resources. The Report of the Steady State Economy Conference
  40. Organisation for economic co-operation and development (2011). Environmental Taxation. A Guide for Policy Makers
  41. Paech, Niko (2016). Befreiung vom Überfluss: Auf dem Weg in die Postwachstumsökonomie, oekom Verlag
  42. Parrique, Timothée (2020). The political economy of degrowth, Université ClermontAuvergne; Stockholms universitet, 2
  43. Peukert, Helge (2017). Die Geld- und Finanzsphäre auf dem Weg in die Postwachstumsökonomie. In oekom (Ed.), Postwachstumspolitiken. Wege zur wachstumsunabhängigen Gesellschaft (211-224). oekom
  44. Raworth, Kate (2017). Doughnut economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist, Chelsea Green Publishing
  45. Richters, O.; Siemoneit, A. (06.03.2017). Fear of stagnation? A review on growth imperatives
  46. Schachtschneider, Ulrich (2014). Ökologisches Grundeinkommen – eine Beschleunigungsbremse
  47. Schoenmaker, Dirk; van Tilburg, Rens; Wijffels, Herman (2015). What Role for Financial Supervisors in Addressing Systemic Environmental Risks?, SSRN Journal. 10.2139/ssrn.2594671
  48. Seidl, I. & Zahrnt, A. (2010). Postwachstumsgesellschaft: Konzepte für die Zukunft, Metropolis-Verlag
  49. Standing, Guy (2017). Basic income: and how we can make it happen, Pelican
  50. Stolze, Matthias; Lampkin, Nicolas (2009). Policy for organic farming: Rationale and concepts, Food Policy, 34(3), 237-244. 10.1016/j.foodpol.2009.03.005
  51. Studer, Hans-Peter (2017). Gesundheit und Lebensqualität für eine Postwachstumsgesellschaft. In oekom (Ed.), Postwachstumspolitiken. Wege zur wachstumsunabhängigen Gesellschaft (281-292). oekom
  52. Umweltbundesamt (2019). Der Europäische Emissionshandel
  53. Umweltbundesamt (2018). Politik in Zeiten der planetaren Belastungsgrenzen: Die Perspektive einer vorsorgeorientierten Postwachstum-Position. Ein Diskussionsbeitrag aus dem Projekt „Ansätze zur Ressourcenschonung im Kontext von Postwachstumskonzepten“
  54. United Nations, European Comission, International Monetary Fund, Organisation fpr Economic Cooperation and Development, World Bank (2003). Handbook of national accounting: integrated environmental and economic accounting 2003
  55. Volz, U. (2017). On the Role of Central Banks in Enhancing Green Finance. UN Environment Inquiry & CIGI
  56. Wahlen, Stefan; Heiskanen, Eva; Alto, Kriistina (2011). Endorsing Sustainable Food Consumption: Prospects from Public Catering, 35(1), 7-21. DOI: 10.1007/s10603-011-9183-4

Sustainable Prosperity – Made in Europe

  1. European Commission; Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (2019). Employment and social developments in Europe 2019: sustainable growth for all: choices for the future of social Europe.
  2. D'Hombres, Béatrice; Schnepf, Sylke; Barjakovà, Martina; Mendonça, Francisco Teixeira (2018). Loneliness-an unequally shared burden in Europe. 10.13140/RG.2.2.21745.33128
  3. Atkinson, Anthony B; Piketty, Thomas; Saez, Emmanuel (2011). Top Incomes in the Long Run of History, Journal of Economic Literature, 49(1), 3-71. 10.1257/jel.49.1.3
  4. Kapeller, Jakob; Gräbner, Claudius; Heimberger, Philipp (2019). Economic polarisation in Europe: Causes and policy options
  5. Stockhammer, Engelbert (2013). Why have wage shares fallen? An analysis of the determinants of functional income distribution. In Springer (Ed.), Wage-led growth (40-70). Springer
  6. European Commission (2018). Joint Employment Report 2018 As adopted by the EPSCO Council on 15th March 2018 European Commission. European Commission
  7. OECD (2019). OECD Employment Outlook 2019: The Future of Work, OECD
  8. Raworth, Kate (2017). Doughnut economics: seven ways to think like a 21st century economist, Chelsea Green Publishing
  9. European Environment Agency (2019). The European environment - state and outlook 2020. Knowledge for transition to a sustainable Europe.
  10. Steffen, W.; Richardson, K.; Rockström, J.; Cornell, S. E.; Fetzer, I.; Bennett, E. M.; Biggs, R.; Carpenter, S. R.; de Vries, W.; de Wit, C. A.; Folke, C.; Gerten, D.; Heinke, J.; Mace, G. M.; Persson, L. M.; Ramanathan, V.; Reyers, B.; Sorlin, S. (2015). Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet, Science, 347(6223), 1259855-1259855. 10.1126/science.1259855
  11. European Environment Agency (2019). Trends and projections in Europe 2019 - Tracking progress towards Europe's climate and energy targets
  12. (2018). The costs of climate inaction, Nature, 561(7724), 433-433
  13. Rockström, Johan; Steffen, Will; Noone, Kevin; Persson, Åsa; Chapin III, F. Stuart; Lambin, Eric F.; Lenton, Timothy M.; Scheffer, Marten; Folke, Carl; Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim; Nykvist, Björn; de Wit, Cynthia A.; Hughes, Terry; van der Leeuw, Sander; Rodhe, Henning; Sörlin, Sverker; Snyder, Peter K.; Costanza, Robert; Svedin, Uno; Falkenmark, Malin; Karlberg, Louise; Corell, Robert W.; Fabry, Victoria J.; Hansen, James; Walker, Brian; Liverman, Diana; Richardson, Katherine; Crutzen, Paul; Foley, Jonathan A. (2009). Planetary Boundaries: Exploring the safe operating space for humanity, 14(2)
  14. European Environment Agency; Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (2020). Is Europe living within the limits of our planet? An assessment of Europe's environmental footprints in relation to planetary boundaries
  15. Jackson, Tim (2019). The Post-growth Challenge: Secular Stagnation, Inequality and the Limits to Growth, Ecological Economics, 156, 236-246. 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2018.10.010
  16. Pichelmann, Karl (2015). When ‘Secular Stagnation’ meets Piketty’s capitalism in the 21st century. Growth and inequality trends in Europe reconsidered
  17. General government gross debt - annual data
  18. European Commission (2019). Estimating International Tax Evasion by Individuals
  19. GDP growth (annual %) - European Union
  20. Martos, Carlos (2020). Von der Leyen: 'We now need to build a resilient, green, and digital Europe'
  21. European Council (2020). Joint statement of the Members of the European Council
  22. Mitchell, Andrew (2013). Risk and Resilience.
  23. Petschow, Ulrich; Lange, Steffen; Hofmann, David; Pissarskoi, Eugen; aus dem Moore, Nils; Korfhage, Thorben; Schoofs, Annekathrin; Ott, Hermann (2018). Gesellschaftliches Wohlergehen innerhalb planetarer Grenzen: Der Ansatz einer vorsorgeorientierten Postwachstumsposition. Umweltbundesamt
  24. Richters, Oliver; Siemoneit, Andreas (2017). Fear of stagnation? A review on growth imperatives. Vereinigung für Ökologische Ökonomie.
  25. Jackson, Tim (2017). Prosperity without growth, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group
  26. Okun, Arthur M. (1963). Potential GNP: its measurement and significance, Yale University, Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics New Haven
  27. Blanchard, Olivier; Amighini, Alessia; Giavazzi, Francesco (2017). Macroeconomics: a European perspective, Pearson
  28. Hirsch, Fred (1995). Social limits to growth, Routledge
  29. Binswanger, Mathias (2006). Why does income growth fail to make us happier?, The Journal of Socio-Economics, 35(2), 366-381. 10.1016/j.socec.2005.11.040
  30. Paech, Niko (2012). Liberation from excess: the road to a post-growth economy, Oekom
  31. Jackson, Tim (2009). Prosperity without Growth - The transition to a sustainable economy.
  32. Richters, Oliver; Siemoneit, Andreas (2019). Growth imperatives: Substantiating a contested concept, 51, 126-137. 10.1016/j.strueco.2019.07.012
  33. Siemoneit, Andreas (2019). An offer you can't refuse: Enhancing personal productivity through ‘efficiency consumption’, Technology in Society, 59, 101181. 10.1016/j.techsoc.2019.101181
  34. Cabeza, Luisa F.; Ürge-Vorsatz, Diana; Ürge, Daniel; Palacios, Anabel; Barreneche, Camila (2018). Household appliances penetration and ownership trends in residential buildings, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 98, 1-8. 10.1016/j.rser.2018.09.006
  35. Piketty, Thomas (2014). Capital in the twenty-first century, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press
  36. Royuela, Vicente; Veneri, Paolo; Ramos, Paul (2014). Income Inequality, Urban Size and Economic Growth in OECD Regions.
  37. Seidl, Irmi; Zahrnt, Angelika (2010). Staatsfinanzen und Wirtschaftswachstum. In Metropolis-Verlag (Ed.), Postwachstumsgesellschaft: Konzepte für die Zukunft (179-188). Metropolis-Verlag
  38. European Commission (2015). Tax reforms in EU member states: Tax policy challenges for economic growth and fiscal sustainability, Publications Office of the European Union
  39. European Commission; Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union (2018). Taxation trends in the European Union: data for the EU Member States, Iceland and Norway – 2018 edition.
  40. Stratford, Beth (2020). The Threat of Rent Extraction in a Resource-constrained Future, 169, 106524. 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.106524
  41. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2017). Trade and development report 2017: beyond austerity : towards a global new deal
  42. Halliday, Daniel; O’Flynn, Janine (2018). Economic Rent, Rent-Seeking Behavior, and the Case of Privatized Incarceration. In Springer International Publishing (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophy and Public Policy (455-467). Springer International Publishing
  43. Stiglitz, Joseph E. (2012). The price of inequality: how today's divided society endangers our future, W.W. Norton & Co
  44. Stiglitz, Joseph E (2016). Inequality and economic growth. In Wiley-Blackwell, in association with The Political Quarterly (Ed.), Rethinking capitalism: economics and policy for sustainable and inclusive growth (134-155). Wiley-Blackwell, in association with The Political Quarterly
  45. Lavoie, Marc (2014). Post-Keynesian economics: new foundations, Elgar
  46. Hillman, Arye L. (2013). Rent seeking. In Edward Elgar (Ed.), The Elgar Companion to Public Choice (307-330). Edward Elgar
  47. European Commission; European Parliament (2018). Annual Report on the operations of the Transparency Register 2018
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  49. Easterlin, Richard A (2000). The Worldwide Standard of Living Since 1800, Journal of Economic Perspectives, 14(1), 7-26. 10.1257/jep.14.1.7
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  52. Kuznets, Simon (1934). National Income, 1929-1932, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
  53. Cobb, Clifford; Halstead, Ted; Rowe, Jonathan (1995). If the GDP is Up, Why is America Down?, 95/10:6
  54. Schmelzer, Matthias (2015). "Expandiere oder stirb": Wachstumsziele, die OECD und die Steigerungslogik wirtschaftlicher Expansion, 41(3), 355-393
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  58. OECD (2019). Beyond Growth: Towards a New Economic Approach
  59. O’Neill, Daniel W.; Fanning, Andrew L.; Lamb, William F.; Steinberger, Julia K. (2018). A good life for all within planetary boundaries, 1(2), 88-95. 10.1038/s41893-018-0021-4
  60. European Commission (2013). Commission Staff Working Document – Progress on 'GDP and beyond' actions
  61. Stiglitz, Joseph E.; Sen, Amartya; Fitoussi, Jean-Paul (2010). Mismeasuring our lives: Why GDP doesn't add up, The New Press
  62. van den Bergh, Jeroen C.J.M. (2009). The GDP paradox, 30(2), 117-135. 10.1016/j.joep.2008.12.001
  63. Talberth, Dr John; Cobb, Clifford; Slattery, Noah (2007). The Genuine Progress Indicator 2006, 33
  64. Kubiszewski, Ida; Costanza, Robert; Franco, Carol; Lawn, Philip; Talberth, John; Jackson, Tim; Aylmer, Camille (2013). Beyond GDP: Measuring and achieving global genuine progress, Ecological Economics, 93, 57-68. 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2013.04.019
  65. Daly, Herman E. (2005). Economics In A Full World, 293(3), 100-107. 10.1038/scientificamerican0905-100
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  67. Fanning, Andrew L.; O'Neill, Daniel W. (2019). The Wellbeing–Consumption paradox: Happiness, health, income, and carbon emissions in growing versus non-growing economies, 212, 810-821. 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.11.223
  68. Kahneman, D.; Deaton, A. (2010). High income improves evaluation of life but not emotional well-being, 107(38), 16489-16493. 10.1073/pnas.1011492107
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  72. Scottish Government (2019). Scotland’s Wellbeing – Delivering the National Outcomes.
  73. The New Zealand Treasury (2019). The Wellbeing Budget 2019.
  74. Government of Iceland (2019). Indicators for Measuring Well-being.

Evidence Collection

  1. Development of waste treatment
  2. Fischedick, M.; Roy, J.; Acquaye, A. (2014). Industry. In: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change.
  3. Okamoto, Shunsuke (2013). Impacts of Growth of a Service Economy on CO2 Emissions: Japan’s Case
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  5. Heiskanen, Eva (2001). Dematerialization: the potential of ICT and sevices, Ministry of the Environment
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  7. Parrique, Timothée; Barth, Jonathan; Briens, François; Kerschner, Christian; Kraus-Polk, Alejo; Kuokkanen, Anna; Spangenberg, Joachim H. (2019). Decoupling debunked – Evidence and arguments against green growth as a sole strategy for sustainability. European Environmental Bureau
  8. Reuter, Markus A; van Schaik, Antoinette; Ballester, Miquel (2018). Limits of the Circular Economy: Fairphone Modular Design Pushing the Limits, 12
  9. Fischer-Kowalski, M.; Swilling, M.; von Weizsäcker, E.U.; Ren, Y.; Moriguchi, Y.; Crane, W.; Krausmann, Fridolin; Eisenmenger, N.; Giljum, S.; Hennicke, P.; Romero Lankao, P.; Siriban Manalang, A.; Sewerin, S. (2011). Decoupling natural resource use and environmental impacts from economic growth. A Report of the Working Group on Decoupling to the International Resource Panel.
  10. Reck, Barbara K.; Graedel, T. E. (2012). Challenges in Metal Recycling
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  16. European Environment Agency (2019). Trends and projections in Europe 2019 - Tracking progress towards Europe's climate and energy targets
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  21. Ibrahim, Mustapha D.; Ferreira, Diogo Cunha; Daneshvar, Sahand; Marques, Rui Cunha (2019). Transnational resource generativity: Efficiency analysis and target setting of water, energy, land, and food nexus for OECD countries, Science of The Total Environment
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Why to rethink economic growth

  1. GDP growth (annual %) - European Union
  2. Schmelzer, Matthias (2015). The growth paradigm: History, hegemony, and the contested making of economic growthmanship, 118, 262-271
  3. Daly, Herman E. (2005). Economics In A Full World, 293(3), 100-107. 10.1038/scientificamerican0905-100
  4. Kubiszewski, Ida; Costanza, Robert; Franco, Carol; Lawn, Philip; Talberth, John; Jackson, Tim; Aylmer, Camille (2013). Beyond GDP: Measuring and achieving global genuine progress, Ecological Economics, 93, 57-68. 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2013.04.019
  5. Parrique, Timothée; Barth, Jonathan; Briens, François; Kerschner, Christian; Kraus-Polk, Alejo; Kuokkanen, Anna; Spangenberg, Joachim H. (2019). Decoupling debunked – Evidence and arguments against green growth as a sole strategy for sustainability. European Environmental Bureau